Teen Programming

One Saturday a month, the library will have programming targeting older teens who are less likely to have the time to participate in weekday PNG. The programs will usually be held the second Saturday of the month from 12-3:30. You must sign up for these programs using the google form linked on the promotion flyer, or here. You can also contact the teen librarian, Trinity, at troland@awlindsey.com if you have questions. 

Who Can Join?

Any and all teens are welcome – however, some programming might be limited to certain age groups depending on the difficulty of the craft. Be sure to read the google form program description, or contact the teen librarian if you are not sure if you are old enough to sign up. 

Please be sure to read our Code of Conduct before signing up.

Tote Bag Decorating: Saturday, May 11th 12-3:30. Teens take regular old tote bags and decorate them to their liking!